Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Arsenal
I was very excited to write this all in here yesterday, but somehow I feel like it wasn't the whole picture yet so I didn't. I read something about the work of churches, and I think, yeah it is nothing like a church, both a living organism and organization. They worship to focus on God, their fellowship helps everyone to face their life problems, discipleship helps fortify you faith, ministry helps find your talents and evangelism helps you fulfill your mission (pg. 136, Warren, 2002). The funny thing here is that I keep myself do simulation on how to talk to the people that I want to share Christ with, like crazy talking to myself only. Nevermind I hope now I already start a good work and pray that God will give me further guidance on how it will be done. For now there are three people comes into my mind that we can follow up is Adrian Lee, Shyan Chai, and May Wei. I already start some in Adrian and May Wei, but out of frustration and fear I draw out myself, and stop following up. Well maybe that time I wasn't ready to do things like this and affraid the more I help the more complicated it will be. Whatever I had them prayed and put in God's hand.
Look at this! Virtuoso pianist practices haha! Virtuoso literally means skillful. I am gonna use this book as a gift from God and I am very glad to have this book with me. Maybe God is trying to polish up my skills he given to me, so all the sudden I feel like I want to play all better and finger control. I love Jazz music and classicals, and this scale training push me up to reach that level to play it, I am so excited! Unfortunately its for less than a week, because when I am back in kampar, there is no piano for me to train. Well actually I am here at home training some pieces to play too to surprise someone one day. I wouldn't tell it here later she knows XD. Well it is great start and a great ending for the year 2009 and happily welcome 2010 to come. Happy reading.
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 11:19:00 AM 0 Scrolls
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Whirlwind - Day 2
Whatever past let is past, I am alright now. The next thing "Breakfast!" we all go to a shack to eat dry Bak Kut Teh, sadly I just recover from the dissy attack, so I lost my appetite plus I had a constipation problem there, consiquently I did not taste much from it. Well then later we all set off to Jusco and had a really nice movie there "AVATAR!" and spend a little bit time shopping the rounds for Christmas presents and Birthday presents. About the movie I rate it 5 star if I would watch it in 3-D, I love the story really much about the source of energy in Pandora and all the tales of Sully becoming a Toruk Maktou and fight the invasion of Human fleets. I mean normally human defended earth from invasion but this time is when human invade the aliens, haha, a funny reverse huh? After that we all get all the free time go back to Ping Ping's house and prepared some carols and present later on in the celebration at night.
That is the spirit! Its Christmas and Happy Birthday to our beloved 21 years old sister Ping Ping! That night celebration were like a marraige dinner for her, haha, Ping Ping was hyperactive and was very happy, and she taking picture all around her guesses going table by table. I am proud to met with a friend like her. Her mother also very supportive to her too, praise the Lord! May God bless this family because the daugther had gave her commitment to God. She said she wanted to fully focus on God's work and shall not date within this 5 years. Wow, such commitment and fire and I was challenged, and I heard God said to me: "Where is your fire once had Thomas?" I couldn't believe that God really can use everyone including new believers to encourage me to push up my work in God's kingdom. Thank you Ping Ping you have given me a great encouragement to do the things we have to do in the January intake of UTAR. I hope that God will bless these freshies because we go out the reach them for the Lord. "Shine for the Lord" - Facebook quoted from our MNC family photo. Then we had a very fun time fellowship togather that night were Bee Kim was the second person I found that she is overly happy until nocturnal. Sisters sharing their happy moments togather in their rooms, while brother get their shower ready and GO TO Sleep XD.
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 12:16:00 AM 0 Scrolls
Monday, December 28, 2009
Whirlwind - Day 1
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 1:04:00 AM 0 Scrolls
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Cameron Heights Expedition
Alright enough for the dreaming story. This Cameron expedition is fun and the weather is chilling, and sadly I was sick on the evening of the day. Quite sickening trip while I am sick, I hate to let myself sick because that will make me a burden to other people. I really thanks to all the brothers and sisters that are taking care of me throughout this trip, and I deeply appreciate your help. Same time I feel sorry that I may have dragged the time and I feel I was selfish that you need to put me into your consideration of each activity. But from another point of view, if other brothers and sisters are sick when I am not, I will provide help selflessly to them too, so guess this is what we call a relationship is to give and take. This trip I didn’t learn how to manage a trip, didn’t know where to go or where to visit, but this trip help me to learn the meaning of love.
We reach “tanah rata” and settle our package down in a hostel there and it’s for RM 200 per night if I didn’t mistake, I mean 200 shared with 19 people, means roughly 10 dollar per person. In fact we spend one night there only. I couldn’t stop thinking how chilling is it the night we sleep, and I was sleep right in front of the window curl up like a prawn, my leg was freezing and my body is reacting, so I got a fever! No, don’t get me wrong, I’m not blaming that I got a fever because I sleep next to the window, I just describing how chilling it was. ^^
"Do not pluck the grapes" This is what we saw on the warning signs. Who cares, what is more important than to have a nice posting infront of those grapes. Don't worry no grapes were harm while taking the photo. "Tony, what are doing?" haha. Actually Tony was lifted up to reach that grape, thanks to Robin, because the grapes are on top of the ceiling.
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 10:32:00 AM 0 Scrolls
Monday, December 21, 2009
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 6:14:00 AM 0 Scrolls
Tags: Leader Within, Spiritual Warfare
Sunday, December 20, 2009
World of Hatred
Remember when I use to say we fight a war out of love not hatred, peace not chaos, and joyous not destructive? Yes, that is the way how we fight the war, the deceiver’s pride soon will put into humiliation and put under the Almighty’s feet. I heard my very own voice resurface that reminds me that a war will not goes without casualties, it may cause a piece of yourselves but it will never compare to what you can save, to save the lives of innocent people, to save their souls from Hades, to save our own tiny useless souls, worth even lesser then a grain of sand. The world is ready to devour us, but are you ready to be devoured? “Be prepare, the end is near” Even in the 2012 movie quotes: “Repent, the end is near”
In further reading to John 16 in this morning devotion, somehow God is likely speaking to me, the scriptures keep on reflecting the things that Jesus tell His disciples about the work of the holy spirit that He call “the helper” will be our guide after He left us here. Just as in Mark 13: 34 describes “It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and put his servant in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to stay awake.” He leave us here in charge and he sent the holy spirit as an supervisor to us to keep His commands and work that pleases God and bring glory to Him. As I read on, I was comforted because I see that finally someone that can truly understand what is going on in my life, and that is God himself. He say that for sure we will suffers in sorrow and bitterness right now, yet I felt like God is talking to me in a mature tone and it sounds not like a joke, He is treating me like an adult now, and this deeply reflect how childish I am right now. Just as my father says: “Young man, you have a lot of things you have to learn.” I should have abandon my comfort zone and raise to shine for God already, a lot of time I am still too naïve, doing everything under my own understanding and unwilling to let the holy spirit to co-operate with me. I have joined this church, one of the Hope international ministries planted church, they talk about the Holy Spirit and the spiritual gifting, they prayed in tongue, this is what I did not experience previously in Methodist churches, at first I thought I still can do join this church by just ignoring the usage of Christ’s “Helper”, I never knew until now I see how the Holy Spirit works. I said to God isn’t that we should not relying on the emotions when we are mature? Because I am now confused about what is the heart of worship, wasn’t it mean that it is a surrendered heart? If not mistaken, it is right, well I can’t tell am I worshiping because I did not surrender down myself, I have pride, so I confused. I think it was the time that I should allows the spirit to work in me, I should start to believe what is right to believe, and I have been stagnant Christian for almost 15 years. The Lord is patient to me, waited patiently for my repentance, waited for my heart to fully mold to be one that He planned for me.
This quote from C.S. Lewis keeps on motivating me that I want to make it my motto. “It is when I give myself to His personality, which is when I will have a true personality of my own.” God gives me homework to do that is learning to be patient and humble. I might write in detail next time about why patient and humble.
As what comes to me this morning’s sermon is how to live a life with Holy Spirit. As Joshua shared that we are raw beef and it is not attractive, but after cooking it, aroma comes out, put on some dressings it looks attractive and delicious. Cooking needs fire, which is the “Helper” that Jesus Christ said in John 16. Yesterday, I heard a voice saying: “Thomas, where is your fire?” and today God helping me to search the answer. Now I know I needed the Holy Spirit to work along with me, and that is how God works through us. This morning God re-affirm me again that whatever we ask, God will surely give, by faith things make possible, and by faith that we are heal. God is patient, he also want to be patient and waited faithfully for His blessings, for He will surely give, just the matter of time. This reminds me when the time always tells me “Please wait.” When I truly surrender myself to His will, only that I will fully alive and living fully in my life purpose and God’s power shown in our humble hearts, the servant’s spirit. Thanks to the Lord on high that grand me peace in my heart, for I am weak that in you I am strong. Thank you Jesus for you have conquer the world and this makes my confident build in you, and the world of hatred will shatter in to ashes one day, and by your grace and mercy that will remain in you peacefully and joyfully.
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 9:01:00 PM 0 Scrolls
Tags: Leader Within, Spiritual Warfare
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The deceiver's pride
"No, you can't win this war, that is why you had me turn away from God even when you already know you are defeated."
Today is the forth day of struggling the effect of the aftermath of the deceiver's tongue, I truly admitted that I am defeated, because I am vulnerable and I left God alone, it was I deserted Him, where is my respect for the old man? The greatest lesson for me is still the same thing that I have to learn, my life lesson, the lesson on fearing the right person, the lesson to fear God. This morning when I wake up somehow I realize that God was asking me :"How much do you love me?" The same question Jesus asked Simon, I am like Simon at first, proud enough to say I will follow where ever Jesus goes, yet Jesus said to Simon that he will deny him three times when people ask whether Simon knows Jesus. The same emotion, the same feeling that I had just like Simon once had, the bitterness, the feeling of being weak, the feeling that there is so much lessons I need to learn, there are too many things that I don't know, childish, immaturity, stubbornness and guilty. Then I heard a question: "Where were you Thomas? Where is the fire you once had?""Do not carry the anger with you!" Unable to fear God = Pride. I am prideful of myself, if I wasn't complacent why when my friend said I am complacent I reacted? From the reaction I know, I do need to accept that I am complacent, one enough to steal myself away from God and even God asking where am I.
I struggled and prayed, I prayed for strength, wisdom and heart to concentrate on my studies, no God may have answered me, I am too busy to make myself emotional so I missed out what God is ready to give. Maybe I already receive the gift, and I was too busy on my own things those gift hidden from me. I hide it, and don't know where I keep it. I was keep on bombarding by a verse John 14:27. But I did not use it, it was more pain and hurt when you know the truth and unable to use it, the feeling is unable to accept one's weakness and lay down everything before Christ. I'd wrong, again the same mistake same shame same pride. How many times that I have to remind myself to be humble, gentle and patient? Answer is : Always.
I admit that I do have improvement, other people see me changed, become more joyful, giving and loving. Not shame to say that there are more people attracted to me too, I see their respond towards my changes. Now the challenge is to stand up right here, right now and start doing. I do concern about when I am emotional and irrational, my presence give impact to the people around me, the people who once attracted to me. This kind of emotion is destructive, it destroyed my friendship with someone before, and it comes to destroy me again. The devil knows I am vulnerable on this, and he make this my open wound, like putting acids on your cuts.
I should eliminate my problems one by one, though I am still fearful, but I should direct those fears towards God then I will attain wisdom. I should not use my own understanding about what is going on, just do whatever that is pleases God for sure, keep on doing it. I should have a simple faith, do look in front, in the future focus on things that I can do to glorify God's name. There is a lot more things that I needed to learn so let it be. I pray that I will keep God's command and let Him rule my life, then God will help me walking into the right path that He wants me to walk on. I'm sure the devil having fun see me being defeated, but fun came with price, God will make Him pay one day. Abba Father, today I want to declare I want to re-commit myself into your hands, lead me and guide me on. There is only you not me, I shall be a humble servant for in the kingdom of God need not heroes, they needed great leaders only. In fact there is only one hero that is Jesus Christ Himself. This civil war soon will be over, lets rebuild the cities that had been destroyed. Let my hands work for God's glory only. Amen.
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 12:36:00 PM 0 Scrolls
Friday, December 18, 2009
Heart of wolverines.
"I keep telling you don't play that game to me alright? I am not a sloth, and I am not lazy or tired, because little Thomas in me been attack and you poisoned him, what should I call you "Druglord"? Well leave us alone druglord, stop poisoning him, you know always whenever you attack me, I generate new kinds of antibody and the same attack will leave me a little effect, you know what? God is blessing all the way that I can did this to resist you. And I think I had been wrong not to judge you by believing you are the full darkness and 100% lie and sinner. God teach us to love our enemy and he is right, because when I love you, I know more about you and I learn to become more like myself because of you, thanks anyway. Yes, the world is bais for you and you make us believe it. I couldn't believe you keep using me to destroy myself, and I had struggle for 2 days but I say not today, well congradulation you successfuly own me for 2 days. Well this is fearful right? Because I really scared to offend some big guy like you that is strong and powerful, I'm sorry but you can't harm me because God is with me, and I am sorry that God has planned a big humiliation for you. What are you trying to prove? Human are destuctive? Evil? No, you trying to make us believe that. Does that sounds like what has been in your mind for centuries? Look that is the problem, because you keep on telling lies, and you don't even want to admit it that what you're thinking in your mind and that is the truth. You can't be straight don't you? Well, I am sorry I offended you today, but this a war you will always hunting for me and I will just keep myself running from you. You know you wouldn't have me, so you try to use myself against myself, you try to make me own myself fully right? No, I am for God and for God alone, sounds bais to you? Its pretty much that you are telling me God is also bais for me, yes, it is but I rather bais under God rather than you leech. Don't ever steal my energy again, and thank for teaching me a new word, enfeeble."
I am affraid chellenging my enemy, I am fearful of what I did today, because I fear that this war is going to be more intense than I can handle. The more when I step into the world of darkness the more I feel I needed God's protection. This time is my enemy set sail cross the Rubicon to attack me, and this time counted as an ambush. Human are not different than sheep, they are naive, thought that they are strong they know everything, but they know nothing about what they ought to know. This world is not bais, and only the truth came wisdom, only the truth makes people joyful and God is the truth. People always goes against us Christians, why? This is a reaction of denial, reaction formation, a defense mechanism I use to learn in psychoanalysis. The counseling process may be pathological, and no one can measure the strenght of our believe system, when they believe the lie, then the lie will be the truth for them. Beware of the wolverines, they eat sheep. Don't let the lie guide you into their mouths. Living a life must live it with acceptence of what we really are, and the acceptence of truth.
"Please my dear enemies, don't do this anymore, is it that you say it is bais because what God says and it will happens? He say the devil is here to kill, steal and destroy, and this the more you do you prove Him right. Then what are you trying to prove? You can't prove God inexistence, because He is with us everyday, you can't prove human as powerful in destruction, because we are not design for violence. And you putting all those lies infront of us and I am impress that you successfully twist a person to become your desciple, but not everyone. What I trying say is that where there is the more reaction arise, the more closer to the truth we got. The book purpose driven life spell it well, the more we walk closer to God, the more intense our spiritual warfare it will be. Please leave me alone my dear enemies. The heart of wolverines sounds powerful, but it reflect the savage of wolverines that canibalize infront of us sheep. I heard you howls, and I am alert, sounds magically empowered, but it is decieving. I just can't trust you."
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 11:40:00 AM 0 Scrolls
Tags: Leader Within, Life like a boat
Enfeebled and Brain Sap
Today is another intergration day for me, after finishing the first paper and added some frustration, the psyche energy in me going dry. I couldn't afford to stop my work and enjoy myself and relax for a while, I don't know why this time I choose to do something incongruence to me again? Why I let myself to be torture like putting my head on a butcher's chopping block? This is abstract statement right? My head is full of trash right now, I can't concentrate or should I say I focusing in the wrong thing.
I am driven by fear, guilt, pride, and other toxins, where my mother lable them as overly confidence. The anxiety in me increase as the day goes nearer toward the examination for my second paper which is my last paper in this semester. The only reason I can't go on is because there is trash in my head, I got to throw it out, and my energy is very low right now, I had whole day rested yesterday and sleep until 10 am today and later had a siesta from 2 - 6 pm probably slept for whole day. After enjoying Bak Kut Teh at Malim Nawar, still I haven't recover those lost psyche enegy, I can't find the evidence of why am I low in battery, so I can't blame anything just to accept. Frustration become more real when I can't recall what have I done yesterday morning and afternoon. I just remember the Christmas party I attended last night and watched movie till 4am. I think this is an overlay across my energy limited usage, I'm under the threshold level. It was a happy night yesterday, but why I have to suffer "blurring effect" afterwards?
I am weak now, when I did not refer my case to God I will dry up, and whenever I say I don't like depending on someone else to do things, I am enfeebled. I want to find out what is the real meaning of being independence. That reminds me about Jeremiah's verse (Jeremiah 17:7) say we shall make God our confidence, this mean we are depending on God to be confidence, does confident come not from our own? Whenever I say God is bais, I am enfeebled, feel like muscles raptured out and I can't make a single move. Thought this is just an illustration and metaphore, don't think that it happens for real, I like to symbolize things, makes me feel I am analytical. I don't like giving concrete statements, it makes me bored. I think reader like illustrations more than reading the facts, because it make people feel it when they read it. Illustration makes a story sounds not the facts.
"Lord, when can I fully use my time and energy sufficiently to study? Am I not doing what is it that pleases you? Did you not put me here to study? Did you not put me here to use study to glorify your name? Did I do something wrong that makes you angry or have I forsaken you because I focus too much on bodily strenght? Please Lord, I wasn't demanding anything from you, but it is the only way to do thing and that is to rely 100% in your strenght and your purpose. Forgive me Lord whenever I sins against you, deliver me out of temptation, when I am strong in you, Lord help me to humble down myself. I am not good in pastorial care nor hospitality, I mourned to take care of people yet sometimes I am reluctant to give. I don't even possess the ability to lead myself and take care of myself well, how can I do it to others. Yes, thank you Lord I admit that whenever I helped people, that is when I using your strenght to do it, and the people I helped see me handsomely. Teach me lord, what should I do to make you happy? In Jesus name. Amen."
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 12:00:00 AM 0 Scrolls
Tags: Leader Within, Life like a boat
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
天真の我?M I NAIVE?
"Thomas! You have been overly playful, if you play a little lesser at home you would probably reach your target!" - Super-ego
"No, it was I who give you people pressure, I just have made the target too high for you both to reach, so please stop blaming each other." - Ego
"What? If I am not relaxed at first there wouldn't be a yesterday, and there wouldn't be a 28.5/40 coursework marks okay!?!" - ID
See that? They are arguing again, then who was the killer in this statement? For me I wouldn't judge the ID rather want to give my credit to ID, because if it wasn't him provide the strenght to pursue on learning and supplies the psyche energy, probably I am in another depression by now. No, I have successfully maintain my last target as I was in 3.222 GPA last semester and I am confident enough I will do it again, but for the sake of getting into first class honours, and turning the loan into scholarship and use it to buy an electrical piano for my church, 3.222 is not enough. That is why I put my target in this short semester to get at least a 3.8 GPA and above to drag the CGPA up the ladder. There was another arguement in me saying, "Thomas, you say your prayers aren't demanding, but let me ask you, will you buy an electrical piano for the church if you don't get the scholarship?" Sounds somewhat true for me, this is not about the result of my studies, it was about offering a piano for the church, how willing am I to give? Then I tell myself "Do I have the ability to do that? I mean without a scholarship I have no money. I can't give the church a piano without money." Sounds very negative right? But most people will say this is common sense. If I turn this statement into positive way, people will say me crazy, well I tell you, Christians is crazy people. God had this a challenge for me, so I will just believe that he will give me, this is for the purpose for his glory and I should do it without fear. I had made this a commitment, a goal and are focusing on it. I desire to give God a piano as a graduation gift and I made this my choice. This is my attitude towards success. Says, the book I read eight months ago came into action. Thanks to Dr. Peter. The ten secrets for success, but I say the ten fruits for success.
Come back to this question: "How much are you willing to give?" Then I will say, "Whether I get the scholarship or not, I will still buy a piano for this church, when I am working and by all means necessary." Does that sounds crazy for you now? Crazy people jump over the wall of obstacles, crazy people believe whatever they do can be done, this is as much as all Christians should be. I'll just take my time to grow.
About the war last past 12 days, it was continual, and the aftermath effect is deminishing when I am here in Kampar. As I had told you, Kampar is a blessed place, a shelther of God, a place which give birth to new babies and new faiths. I was amazed by this place and addicted to God's blessing. That is naive?... The reason I don't like do everything depends on someone including God, was I felt so weak and have no ability for my own. But this problem I had solve a thousand times and yet it still post a treat to me, is it my pride? Unwilling to humble down? Why bother? I had told you I had it right, just like what C.S.Lewis has to say "...when I give up myself to God's personality, that I first begin to have a real personality of my own." There are fightings ahead of us, the war of the deciever. Remember that our enemy is to steal, kill and destroy. That is the same technique they uses to attack us, same basic movement, they just manipulate the difficulties, create a little bit chaos in you mind, then they win. After this warfare I learn, that our enemy knows us well, knows everything about our weakness and strenght. They make our strenght turn pride and weaknesses become the toxin of our emotional life- e.g. depression. Secrets of living a better than good life is written all over the bible, take time to read it, you will realise it. For example John 14: 27 (ESV) "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." See, let not your hearts be troubled or affraid? That is the secrets.
Am I still Naive? or just I am too proud of myself? Let the time goes past and all stories will tell you slowly who I really was and is.
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 9:44:00 AM 0 Scrolls
Tags: Chicken soup for a cheerful soul, Leader Within, Life like a boat
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
You know how this is going to end…
I never thought that the devil will use our own people to lay siege to ourselves, but it is a fact that this is true. The devil uses every opportunity to attack us when we are not alert. Now, this incident reminds me that God said they are like wolves readied to pounce at the lone sheep that had wandered far. When we are not connected to God in our network we are probably will fail. I have just lost one of my best men that turn against me and it seems that I have work to convince him back to us. I read a book, it writes God say: “whose side are you on son?” I am on your side I will reply, but most of the time I and my men engage unnecessary attention from our enemy simply wasn’t under God’s command, God is our general and I said, I have just disobeyed a direct order. Now you see how important to be a leader within yourself is. You are the captain of your squad, and we all know the consequences of disobeying the direct order.
What I am trying to say is, this war is not over yet. I have been attacked because it was my mistake, I wandered far with my squad into the enemy’s territory, and this sounds like I am sending them into a meat grinder. Now I say it is time to go home, go back to where we should be. This time it was I who cross the Rubicon, not the devil. I am safe whenever I am inside the barracks, safe under God’s shelter. I believe I had disappointed God enough, for not putting Him in the first place. Where is my respect for that Old man? After coming out from hell, the meat grinder, only know that I am totally busted up, what can one man do? The feeling was strange, when we are far from God, many good things and powerful things we can do within his will can’t do it out of his presence. I do not like the feeling of being weak and lack of wisdom. The only reason that I could find is just simply, my pride, and now became a fool, humble is power not pride. I heed a warning from Shyan last week, she had me right, though she not a Christian, but God does use her to warn me too, and I didn’t take it seriously, so this is what I end up with, a war of humiliation that was unnecessary.
“Code name “Little Thomas” is in hell right now, let’s bring him home. We take care of our brothers.”
I have learned a lesson that is to know your enemy well. For we are not wrestle with flesh and blood, but with the mind, the spirit and our souls, it was by choice that you let the devil came in to use you as a weapon. I say: “neigh!” Don’t let it happen. He will try to fake himself as God, like a spy among us, a wolf wearing sheep skin wandering among us. He can’t do anything, so he use his mouth to deceive us, and tries to cut the connection we had with God. No doubt, my connection was disturbed like been hit by EMP. But take courage brothers and sisters, the more war we fought the more we know our enemy’s techniques and strategies. We are fighting a war with Love not hatred, we are fighting a war with peace not utter destruction, and we are fighting this war with joy not fear. For our enemy came here just to steal, kill and destroy, we are the opposite. We give, heal and rebuild. The enemy knows us well, that is true because he has more wisdom than we do. The war started long before we are born, and there is no excuse we are brought here for war and as a living testimony to write victory song for our God the almighty.
“Sometimes the enemy come and utter destruction and lay waste to our land, but most of the time we lay destruction unto ourselves. But a war wouldn’t go without casualties, and you know how this is going to end…”
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 7:06:00 PM 0 Scrolls
Tags: Leader Within
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 12:08:00 AM 0 Scrolls
Tags: Life like a boat
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The leader within - 2 Dec 09
I meet a failure again today and I take a little time to figure out that I am actually stressed, because I realise that my breath so strong yet still feel like not breathing. Something must be up to making me stress up. Then little Thomas came out and remind me something, that the ID energy reservior is drying up, and it has been incongruence to these few days of holidays, it should be recharging not drying? Then finally I allow myself to relax down and do what I feel it can recharge this energy. That is why I writing this blog here, since every begining of a chapter starts with new challengers, then the leader within is another challenge.
Today I planned to finish at least first chapter of the counseling skill, talking about the counseling relationship. I had made a structure and goals how to move on to get this all input to my mind, but I was stress up easily, where does the energy goes? Feeling like I run out of stamina, this is well explain I did not lead my life well, so stress is all the way coming to attack me. No way, I need to give space for me to relax down and recharge all energy I needed before I start to commence this study plan. Or else it would be wasting time studying.
I know one of the cause that will drain my stamina, that is when I have guilt of sinning against God. Guilt strive all the energy toward itself and draining all positive energy from the host, and it leads to feel reluctant of doing anything. Forgiveness and repentence is important in this practice that you can lead yourselves up not to drain your energy for guilt. Be clear now I have equip myself with patient, kindness and gentle, yet it is not perfect, but im not strive for perfection, I'm just trying to reward myself (this is not an act of selfishness, but self love). Knowing how to appreciate yourself is very important, and knowing your own good and bad is also an advantage for yourself to have a better framework to lead yourselves on how you choose and goes. Sound like decision making right? Yes it is, good leaders are good decision makers.
"Abba Father, please hear my prayers, will you feed my energy? Will you not let your servant sin the same sin again, I do not wanted to do it again, you know what I mean. I often heard the wrong voices, and I thought it was you, please Lord, deliver me out of temptation, I know I have begin to gain wisdom and strenght from you, yet I am still weak, I am sorry that I take things up personally that I didn't do your way. Please, Lord forgive me and help me to change, if I waste up this energy I couldn't focus my strenght on that commitment that I made. I commited to get a 3.5 CGPA when I am graduated just to buy you an electronic piano so that I could serve your call as a musician. May your will be done. Confort your servant Lord, I am sick to feel this terrible pain, I need to have myself back again, sorry for struggled on my own, I should have invite you to war against temptation togather. I am sorry. In Jesus name. Amen."
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 3:46:00 PM 0 Scrolls
Tags: Leader Within
3.5 starts here!
Today gives me a lot of insights about what will happen in the future when we fully ultilise the time we had now. As I shared before, time sharing is life sharing. Everything you focus on today, when you invest in it, it will happen. This is not a teaching of the law of attraction...
My bike's part been stolen today, and walking to school and back under the rain, I mean what is the big deal, God is our umbrella, I would care so much little rain can't kill us don't we? Today I admit that I did not do well in my presentation, of course it hits my standard but there is still a lot of place where I can still improve. Now only I begins to understand the power of effective leadership. Every piece of chance for me to lead sure left a little lesson behind me. I hope I really didn't miss out any opportunity to learn what has to be learn. W, See Hua, and Min Choo, they are all potent members, i still feel that they are somewhat reserved, their potential was lock in somewhere they don't even see it, but I think a good leadership can push them to do the things in the right focus. I think I do need to be a better leader next time. I apologise to you all because I had not been serving wholeheartedly in this presentation and the report writing.
Why 3.5 starts here? Without a proper management it will not be a 3.5, and I am starting from today, and officially I annouce let the study plan commence. The leader within, is the new lesson I learn recently. You are the leader of your life, if you do not know how to lead yourselves, you can't lead others. Just as Captain of the ship where I use to describe in my blog
I have just finish my timetable where how I am gonna make it happen. God's hand on our shoulders I am looking forward to write more about leader within. It seems I have a new chapter to start already, so much joy and pain coexisted everywhere in this "Chicken soup for a cheerful soul" Thanks to this chapter, I really learn a lot from the old chapter of pain and suffering. See, I told you it makes a difference, when you jot everything happened in yourlife as a dairy, you see how you change and what you learn.
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 12:17:00 AM 0 Scrolls
Monday, November 30, 2009
The Mark of Friendship (part II)
Last time when I wrote about the mark of Friendship in the unity of submission, sincerity, trust and empathy, yet it is still very useful to see how much you love your friends. Friendship is something makes life possible to go on, last time I was going on solo, and I fell. My life change since Miller came in and disarms me and God send him to me, I felt the brotherly love in Him, Miller was someone that the first time I felt God is at work. The friends around him also getting more close together with me, and I can see the differences between Christian friends or should I say friend with Christ love is different. I sense the unity and family spirit among us. Just like westerners define Asians that they are more grouped life rather than individualistic, and this is an advantage of showing our love to everyone around.
I had a struggle of keeping Vri as my friend, because it was incongruence to my actions. My heart recognized her as someone special, and my heart is long to make her my Wife and giving her all the happiness and joy of life. Yesterday when I was on a train traveling back from Putra Jaya to Kampar, I heard a voice tell me to imaging when Vri say: “How much do you love me?” I will just answer her by telling all the stories that we had been through, all those hard times and all those joyous moment together. I will just simply reflecting all our memories and telling her “You know how much I love you in your heart.” As I keep on imagining this, she replied my SMS, that makes me feel somehow we are connected anywhere. But I think if I really keep myself focusing too much on this fantastic moment, it will not come true. I know she had been nice to me nowadays, after the storms had calm down, we proclaim to be friend again after we had an argument for couples of weeks we had silent. I remember every word she is saying, and I receive news from my friend that she has been talking about me. I feel hope again. I know, I have got to move on and growing more Christ like, to be a better man, and as God said to me: “Be Prepared!” It doesn’t mean prepare me to death, but it means everything, be prepare for everything that has to come, prepare me to live, including the coming of Christ that I may save some sheep for Him, that I become a better man that I could take care of the brothers and sisters around me and also mean that I prepare myself to give a happy life for Vri. After so many incidents, and happenings, I felt that I need to improve myself to get to it, or else I will stay stagnant and soon this plan will be distorted. I have to commit myself to be prepare, ready myself to take care of people.
Why I put this love story in this passage? It wasn’t just love story, can’t you see how we well can do while we love each other in the name of friendship? I did I my heart had put her as my wife, but in the reality I have to work it just as Jacob work for Rachael for 14 years, the future mind already set up, now is the time to work in the NOW to make the future happen. Within these years we are friends, friendship is the time for both of us to be prepared for each other, to dig out the true self within, because we need to live without mask when we are married. When I imagined on the train, I can’t recall enough what has been through for both of us, this means I do not know well yet, and it sounds it is just too early to start a dating relationship, though now we are better friends, but it not the time yet. Only true friend can be great life partners, strangers become friends, friend become best friend, and best friend become my girlfriend and my girlfriend become my wife. It is how life is going. I’m pretty sure our level friendship still is remaining in the friend level, and I am working on to make her my best friend.
Friendship is to train up how you love people, a time to prepare yourselves to take care of other people, and prepare to build up a family, a time to prepare you to be yourself. Thanks to Eunice’s quote: “I will just ask you to let me be me.”
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 1:48:00 PM 0 Scrolls
Mountain top experience
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 11:26:00 AM 0 Scrolls
Thursday, November 26, 2009
A Long Run
Do you still remember the last time when I use to say that God bring me to a place where it is like a dessert? He showed me the clear path rather than walking in some bushes which is full of danger? Now, this place changes just like my life changed. The piece of sandy ground after days and days of raining, it became a greeny field, full of grass and it was a miracle that it grow so evenly that looks like it is flat. Wonderful things happening around me all the day, just need to take time to realise that God is so great and wonderful to us, his grace and mercy everyday is new!
Yesterday I got a friend say she was worried about what will she become after baptized in the name of the Father, the son and the holy spirit. Well, baptizing for me is like a marraige, an affirmation of love and commitment that one had on each other. I was worried too when I decide whether or not to be baptize that early, because I had a wrong perception on baptizing. I thought that baptized was to do something with salvation, no. I was wrong, whether a person baptized or not there is nothing to do with salvation, because salvation is not earned, God's grace make it possible for us. Now only is the time I truely understand what baptize is, but not fully yet. I was inspire again by the word of C.S. Lewis, he says: " The more we let God take us over, the more truely ourselves we become - because he made us. He invented all the different people that you and I were intended to be... It is when I turn to Christ, when I give up myself to His personality, that I first begin to have a real personality of my own. " This words I hope everyone who are reading this will inspire you. I always waited for the opportunity of sharing how much I know and how much I care for another person, yesterday was one big opportunity God don't want me to miss. By sharing out my love, the more wisdom I could obtain. No one will really know how much you know until you really care for them - not care about them. The lesson of Love is really wonderful beyond my description, I admit that when I have love, the world is gonna change.
I am still affraid of what is going to happen tomorrow, though I didn't worry about my death, but there is a greater commission that I haven't fulfill yet. Remember what my prayer is? " God, whether I get anything else done today, I want to make sure that I spend time loving you and loving others - because that is what life is all about. I don't want to waste this day. " Will I show the world what love really is and how it will change everyone's world? I don't know, whenever I talk about this, it reminds me about what my purpose is while living in this world. My purpose is - To live as a blessing of many. I just keep on thinking, what God will have me do later, tomorrow, and the days to come. But I guess the best way is still not to think too much, let God tell you when the time is ready. The same old thing I heard from God is : " Thomas, Please wait. " waiting for the timing of God. Well this passage is gonna be a long long run. It will continues until who knows where? I think I will stop here and wait for God's timing. I recall a bible verse from Ecclesiates 3: 1-8.
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 10:29:00 AM 0 Scrolls
Tags: Life like a boat
Sunday, November 22, 2009
忍耐-patience (我要爆了!!!)
我看今天神拼命要我学习这一个功课,就是学习忍耐。早上和朋友们打篮球然后去吃早餐。这个星期我吃超量的食物,吃啊吃啊,不知有肺了吗?这几个星期里我的生活过得多姿多彩,很烦忙的几个星期,但是过得很有意义。就很神奇的觉得神在梦中叫我要有忍耐的心,吃完早操后,约书亚(Joshua)和米勒(Miller), 回到家坐下来谈起忍耐的功课。我对事就比较无耐,我不能等把一件事情做完,对人呢就比较好一点。
刚才打了一通电话给ah Hee, 我真得气到爆。为什么我们上了大学还会有这样不专业的捕导师(tutor)。事情终有解决的方式,只是要或不要做而已。我终是觉得她做事没有责任感,现在是学生重要还是她的自私比较重要?
算了,再生气也没用,one way or by another, either side have to sacrifice.
现在把所有的presentation slide准备好就算了。看来3.5CGPA变成了一个幻觉而已。
Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 12:46:00 AM 0 Scrolls
Tags: Life like a boat
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Pangkor Trip





Written by Thomas Al-Khalil at 3:16:00 PM 0 Scrolls