The promise to sow seed before the harvesting period come has been broken. God always show us that the harvest is abundant but the workers are few, same thing that applicate to my studies. God had already blessed my inventory, the piece of soil in our hearts that are readily to grow the seeds, but no seeds was sow on them. As days goes past, some late seeds sow on it, water wasted on the soil, those seeds did not take long enough to grow still it was immature and can't grow any futher as the time is up for growing. Which is distorted grow that does not bear fruit and will cast out and burn as rubbish. When I was active in Window Live Spaces, I wrote about the seed theory in chinese during the examination period of my first semester, [Link to 我本性就是像火一样] the seed use to measure the effort we put into our studies, sowing seed is only the begining, I did not even do the first step and yet focusing on the watering only, what about taking care of them from pest infestation. It will not grow for no seed for the soil to grow, not until you sow it to the blessed soil God has given to you. Now the question, what is the reason that I study for? For the result or for God's glory? For own's credit or God's blessing? Be sure and clear about this, so that you will not focus on the wrong thing. Why psychology? The very first day I step into the class, I say my purpose of taking psychology is to live as a blessing of many. I will be in the helping professionals, but there will not be a professional not when I did not prove myself fully committed to attain knowledge, until the time I prove myself that I can doesn't mean I will not fall.
Pressing down myself under God's will, only I know I am worthy because of Him. So let the Holy Spirit work collaboratively with us right now to sow these seed and take care of it well, and until harvesting period, we will be the workers that gather these corps with joy and thanks giving. Everything we do needs a new pair of commitment and sacrifice, so that it will keep our fire burning in our hearts, that is allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us in our daily lives.
Perseverance is a form of commitment and sacrifice, a promise for success. I don't need to worry about the results of my studies, as long as I do my best sowing those seeds and taking care of them from pest, give adequate amount of water and blessed by the sun light, this all already reflecting the efforts to glorify God, and it is enough for its own to shine by itself. I should have concern more on how to use all my knowledge learn from psychology and used for building up God's kingdom, result of our marks is just something worldly and it is bais and temporal, it will be forgotten soon before we get into our jobstreets. Putting everything into God's hand that is the most precious priviledge God has given to us, so that we do not need to depend on our own strenght. I will learn whatever that I can this morning, I know it is late, it will not grow overnight, so I already expected the outcome, but it doesn't demolished me, because I believe I have seen enough of my own deeds, so I believe I am changing right now to face the next semester that has to come. Getting into first class honours is one thing, it may not be God's will, but I just submit my plans to Him and waited his authorization. Good thing to know, I am back on my feet right now. Thanks to The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
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