“Whenever a man set sail across Rubicon, it means war. Battle sieges the river banks, blood had been spilt, we fought wars side by side and never knew that the one we trust, we should never trust.”
“Histories are written by victors, and stories are written in blood by all the mighty man and heroes that battles in the front line. But there is no telling that the victor is about to betrayed by his own allies.”
“Blood had been shed, my blood in their hands, now I am fighting a war with the enemy of my enemy. They had desolate my brothers and sisters long enough, and they know how this is going to end… The next thing you know is the ashes burns into your souls.”
I never thought that the devil will use our own people to lay siege to ourselves, but it is a fact that this is true. The devil uses every opportunity to attack us when we are not alert. Now, this incident reminds me that God said they are like wolves readied to pounce at the lone sheep that had wandered far. When we are not connected to God in our network we are probably will fail. I have just lost one of my best men that turn against me and it seems that I have work to convince him back to us. I read a book, it writes God say: “whose side are you on son?” I am on your side I will reply, but most of the time I and my men engage unnecessary attention from our enemy simply wasn’t under God’s command, God is our general and I said, I have just disobeyed a direct order. Now you see how important to be a leader within yourself is. You are the captain of your squad, and we all know the consequences of disobeying the direct order.
What I am trying to say is, this war is not over yet. I have been attacked because it was my mistake, I wandered far with my squad into the enemy’s territory, and this sounds like I am sending them into a meat grinder. Now I say it is time to go home, go back to where we should be. This time it was I who cross the Rubicon, not the devil. I am safe whenever I am inside the barracks, safe under God’s shelter. I believe I had disappointed God enough, for not putting Him in the first place. Where is my respect for that Old man? After coming out from hell, the meat grinder, only know that I am totally busted up, what can one man do? The feeling was strange, when we are far from God, many good things and powerful things we can do within his will can’t do it out of his presence. I do not like the feeling of being weak and lack of wisdom. The only reason that I could find is just simply, my pride, and now became a fool, humble is power not pride. I heed a warning from Shyan last week, she had me right, though she not a Christian, but God does use her to warn me too, and I didn’t take it seriously, so this is what I end up with, a war of humiliation that was unnecessary.
“Code name “Little Thomas” is in hell right now, let’s bring him home. We take care of our brothers.”
I have learned a lesson that is to know your enemy well. For we are not wrestle with flesh and blood, but with the mind, the spirit and our souls, it was by choice that you let the devil came in to use you as a weapon. I say: “neigh!” Don’t let it happen. He will try to fake himself as God, like a spy among us, a wolf wearing sheep skin wandering among us. He can’t do anything, so he use his mouth to deceive us, and tries to cut the connection we had with God. No doubt, my connection was disturbed like been hit by EMP. But take courage brothers and sisters, the more war we fought the more we know our enemy’s techniques and strategies. We are fighting a war with Love not hatred, we are fighting a war with peace not utter destruction, and we are fighting this war with joy not fear. For our enemy came here just to steal, kill and destroy, we are the opposite. We give, heal and rebuild. The enemy knows us well, that is true because he has more wisdom than we do. The war started long before we are born, and there is no excuse we are brought here for war and as a living testimony to write victory song for our God the almighty.
“Sometimes the enemy come and utter destruction and lay waste to our land, but most of the time we lay destruction unto ourselves. But a war wouldn’t go without casualties, and you know how this is going to end…”
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