Thursday, February 11, 2010

Vri's Tag @_@

① 被点者请在自己的网志上打上答案

② 请传给另外十个人

③ 传阅人请在这十位被点的人的留言板上通知他,他被点咯!

④ 这当中的十位不得拒绝

⑤ 被点者请注明被谁点了在哪里接到再传给下十位

⑥ 这些被点名者,你们被点会祝福

⑦ 不可回点哦,并且愿望会实现和得到幸福



① 绰号:Thomas, Tomato, Zombie

② 星座:Libria

③ 生日:1989/September/25

④ 兴趣:Plays piano and guitar, blogging, reading, editing terrains in a game.

⑤ 血型:A+

⑥ 最宝贵的东西:My piano ^_^

⑦ 最討厭的东西:Nothing gua...


① 有喜欢的人吗:Tak tahu...

② 有交往吗:Null... (Nope)

③ 幸福吗:Woo, my God loves me and my parents lagi manja, hahaha!

④ 他很爱你吗:Who? My God? My Parents? or My friends?

⑤ 如果你有勇气最想是什么:Climb KK, presenting some music on a stage and much much more^_^


① 你被谁点:Vri

② 他是你的谁:Friend, Coursemate, Classmate, Team-mate and Godly sister

③ 他的个性是:Not the same... dare to be different. Flexible and friendly.

④ 他长得怎样:What should I say? Beautiful? more like a bookworm XD

⑤ 跟他认识多久:240 days, but experience like years lolx.

⑥ 你想跟他说什么:Vri, Gambateh! You are great!

⑦ 如果他变成你的情人:Oh? I can't tell haha ^_^


① 最爱的音乐:Classical and blues

② 最爱的季节:Spring, lovely green leaves and silent and peacefully

③ 最爱的卡通:Bleach and detective connan (But didn't catch up lately =.=)

④ 最爱的颜色:Olive Green

⑤ 最想去的国家:Europe

⑥ 最爱的水果:Apple and Honey Dew

⑦ 最爱的饮料:100plus =.=

⑧ 最爱的人:Secret (If I have to tell the truth) Lie: Not a person.


① 你很爱哭吗:Nope, but it drops away anyway =.=

② 你很爱笑吗:Depends, but laughing is vital hahahahahahaha ^_^

③ 你是很有信心的人吗:Confidence level: 60% (not much right? but it depends on situation)

④ 你想要怎样的生活:Make a living by authoring books and compossing musics, live in a silent and peaceful natural town, and a lovely wife helping me... erm this one recorded in my journal lolx.

⑤ 你喜欢自己吗:Sure, self-esteem 90% (Fixed previously 40% haha)

⑥ 你喜欢音乐吗:Euphoric @_@

⑦ 你喜欢体育吗:Basketball!!! Football!!! Badminton!!! HUAT YAH!!!

⑧ 你喜欢跳舞吗:lol, not really but fun also haha.

⑨ 你很专情吗:专情is? Loyal to one love? It will reveal in action...

⑩ 你喜欢睡觉吗:Why not?

你喜欢唱歌吗:I will sing when I am happy...



1. PrinZeCalVin 快乐小王子- Can You Feel My Heart

2. u t a R i a n

3. AngiE's New LifE~

4. Growing up...

5. ˟小少女日记˟shyⱥn♫

6. *~c(_)橙市咖啡基地c(_)~*

「五号跟谁谈恋爱」Got meh?

「一号是男的还是女的」Male, Lelaki

「六号人很好吗」Great isn't she?

「二号很色吗」Nope, He is one big Gentlemen ^_^

「七号跟三号在一起吗」Jury is out -.- not enough people in the list

「十号喜欢一号吗」Jury is out -.-
「五号读那间学校」UTAR, Kampar, Perak.

「六号喜欢谁」Herself haha. >.<

「二号喜欢唱歌吗」Voice of UTAR >.< you say leh?

「你爱七号吗」Who is that?

「三号住哪」Degree in PR lo...


「四号有宠物吗」Her new chicken friends in the Kampung ^_^

如果你有三个愿望,Tell me your wish :

① To get 3.5 CGPA in the end

② Become a Virtuoso Pianist

③ Become one great writter and composser

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Music "Pot"